Who We Are
As individuals we call ourselves Christians or disciples, meaning learners. As a congregation, we call ourselves Church of Christ, giving honor to Christ as the Head of the Church. We believe in God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit. We Believe the bible is the complete revelation from God and that no further revelations are needed or will be coming. We believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus was the full incarnation of God and experiences fully in the flesh life on earth as man. We believe He was crucified on a cross for our sins. We believe he was raised from the dead by the power of God in 3 days. We believe that He appeared to the apostles and many other witnesses before ascending to Heaven. We believe that as promised, He is coming back again to resurrect the dead. We believe in the future punishment of the wicked and the future reward of those who are made righteous. We believe and practice the observance of the Lord’s Supper on every Lord’s day. We feel that this is the Lord’s table for all of the Lord’s children. We are always striving to better live and share the hope that we have in the message of the Gospel.
The Mission
With this command, Jesus left a final message for those who accept the message:
” Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. “
The Message
We believe that God has given a plan of salvation for all men so that we may be saved from Hell, and it is as follows:
Hearing | Romans 10:17 |
Believing | John 20:31 |
Repenting | Luke 13:3-5 |
Confessing | Matthew 10:32-33 |
Baptized | Act 2:38; Mark 16:16 |
Fathful Unto Death | Revelation 2:10 |
We are grateful for any help you wish to give to the church treasury.
Watch Online
Interested in watching our services online or joining remotely? We provide recordings of our sermons on our YouTube channel.
Proverbs 16:3 says “commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” Being a young and fairly inexperienced minister of the gospel, few verses have brought me more encouragement. and reassurance than Proverbs 16:3. I am not too proud to tell you that I do not have all the answers to your questions, the secret to explosive church growth, nor twenty years of experience under my belt. But the great news is I don’t have to because God does. So despite the various obstacles we face here at Beechwood Heights, we will have success. He establishes the spiritual growth in our personal lives. He establishes the growth of this body of believers. So what we desire most for you to know about us is that here we seek to serve the LORD. With these words of Jesus on the forefront of our hearts and mind we charge forward, “apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5
Find Us
901 31st St
Parkersburg, WV 26104
Need Directions?
From I-77 West Virginia
Take exit 179. Travel West approximately 4 miles. Turn East (right) onto 31st. continue straight to corner of 31st and Linden St.
From Belpre, Ohio
Take toll Bridge into West Virginia. Head Noth (left) on Murdoch (WV 14) for .5 miles. Turn East (left) onto 31st Street.
From Vienna
Travel South on Murdoch Ave (WV 14). Turn left (East) onto 31st St. Continue straight to corner of 31st and Linden Ave.
Service Hours
9am – Sunday School
10am – Worship